I was talking to a fellow co-worker and we were talking about grilling and I told her how my hubby and I would have to wait a little while longer before we could grill again since our new place could not accommodate a grill. She asked if we grilled a lot and I casually mentioned we sure did; back BT (Before Tennessee). At that moment, I realized what a defining moment our Tennessee Sojourn was in our lives. We had chosen to get out of the boat and pursue God and His will for our life, regardless of what lie ahead.
It's taken to this point, to begin seeing ourselves on the other side. Tonight at dinner, I told my hubby that there are certain things that happened while we were down there, that I realize were still "tender to the touch." The wound had healed, the scab was gone, but every now and then, a memory would bump up against it and I would wince.
One thing we did learn through the experience was that we were NOT ALONE. Our Daddy God was there step-by-step. Jesus had taken the wheel on more than one occasion and the Holy Spirit was there too, teaching and bringing comfort. Here is one of the lessons He taught me.

Lessons from the Nursery – 9/2/12
Today after a very stressful and emotionally draining Saturday...stepping out in faith is no cake walk. I was looking forward to being in the Word the next day when I remembered "I'm supposed to work in the nursery!"
I stirred myself up, with the words "do it with a cheerful heart, as unto the Lord, regardless how you feel." I really wanted to be in the main sanctuary, because I really needed to hear a message that would encourage my heart.
There was only one baby this morning, and he was "out of sorts," before he even got to class. I saw his face crumple into tears as his daddy handed him over to me. He would look at me warily with his big blue eyes full of tears. I began rocking him. I patted his back and told him he would be okay.
However, the little one was like me; restless, anxious and unable to trust the person who was holding him. I began to sing songs over him as I tried to play with him. I tried my best to engage him with toys and funny voices. It would seem as if he would get interested then all at once, he would remember that he didn't know me. His bottom lip would quiver, and then the tears began to flow. He soon began to rub his eyes and ears. This was a clear sign that he was tired, but he didn’t want to settle into rest. He didn't want to let go.
But I persisted and continued to rock him and pat his little back as he laid his head on my shoulder. I could feel his little body shudder with the hiccup whimpers that happen after a long crying spell. Soon, the movement subsided and I could tell that he had surrendered to my ministrations and fell into a peaceful sleep, trusting finally that I would not drop him or let anything harm him.
As I rocked him, the Lord spoke to my heart, "you are like him. You are weary and fretful and you are fighting me. I told you when you began this journey that as you rely, I will supply. And I have, and I will continue to do so. I have been singing songs over you. I have sent my Spirit to encourage you with the word from your Pastor, friends and even people you don't even know. I have you and I will supply all that you need. REST in me, don't fight it. REJOICE in me and declare, EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT."
Slowly, a smile crept over my face as I allowed myself to enter into the rest that only the Father can give. I had church, even though I hadn't been in the main sanctuary. God always knows what word we need to hear. He is faithful to minister to us no matter where we are. I'm always amazed when people tell me that they don't want to volunteer because they don't want to miss out on what God is doing. They don't realize that when they submit and put their hands and hearts to something and get in their place, that God will bless them right where they are.
This is only one of the stories I could share about what I learned from the trenches. But I encourage you to Get out there and serve...you will be BLESSED to be a blessing!