Wednesday, June 15, 2016

It "Mite" be Worth More than You Think!

In this day of one-upmanship, it’s very easy to get carried away when giving gifts.  We tend to want to show our care for one another by lavishing expensive gifts on people.  But in reality, it doesn’t mean we love someone any less if the gifts we give don’t come with an expensive price tag.
I have always been a giver and in my early years, I admit that I equated the value of my gift with the size of the price tag rather than the heart of the giver.  As a result, it caused me to give expensive gifts that I truly could not afford to give.  The end result, was I that I was drowning in debt!
Recently, through a season of great lack, I finally learned the fundamental truth about giving.  It’s not about the price of the gift, but rather the COST of giving it.
We have a wonderful example in the Word, but if you are not familiar with it, allow me to introduce you to the Widow’s mite…
Mark 12:41-44 The Voice

Jesus sat down opposite the treasury, where people came to bring their offerings, and He watched as they came and went. Many rich people threw in large sums of money, but a poor widow came and put in only two small coins worth only a fraction of a cent.

Jesus (calling His disciples together): Truly this widow has given a greater gift than any other contribution. All the others gave a little out of their great abundance, but this poor woman has given God everything she has.

As I stated before, my husband and I are coming out of a season of lack, but while we were in the midst of it, we were faced with a choice.  To give or not to give.
We had an impromptu offering at the church we were attending. They wanted to be a blessing to our local High School football team.  We felt led to sow, but all that we had was the change we had scraped together to do a load of laundry.  As the bucket approached, I swallowed my pride and emptied my change purse into an envelope, hoping no one would hear the coins jingling in the bucket.
On the way home from that service, I sobbed, feeling we had failed somehow because we had so little to give.
Long story short…our gift helped our church reach their goal to be a blessing to that team.  Every cent mattered!  I also believe that had we not sowed seed while we were in need, then we would not be seeing the harvest we have now.  We had a choice to eat the seed or sow it.  If you have ever farmed before you would know, 1 ear of corn in your stomach does not satisfy your hunger but 1 ear of corn in the field can feed you all winter.
And don’t you just love how the gift this little widow gave, so blessed the LORD that he made note of it and called his disciples over to teach them that giving is about the heart not the amount? 
Jesus was watching and he was not impressed by the SUM of what was given but rather the COST.  It COST the widow to put her coins in and I imagine that she did so without much fanfare.  She may have even been like I was; ashamed that all she had to give was 2 small coins.  But yet her giving so overwhelmed the King of Kings that He had to share it!  It also left such an impression that not 1, but 2 Gospel writers shared her story.
So my friend, if you feel led, give a gift, but let it be out of the depth of your heart rather than the depth of your wallet.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Joy In the Journey

A few weeks ago, a little Momma from TX, broke the internet with her absolute joy over a Chewbacca mask she had bought her kids…instantly she became the new darling of the internet.  Check it out here if you haven’t seen it yet...I dare you not to smile.  Her joy is absolutely CONTAGIOUS!
It got me thinking about how I had allowed some things to creep in to steal my joy and get my focus of what really mattered.  I had forgotten to have JOY FOR THE JOURNEY!
Our Heavenly Father gave us this life to ENJOY!  Not just ENDURE.  It’s really not that hard to stir up some joy in your heart.  All it takes is a little bit of thankfulness.
If you start by just thanking God for the little things He has done in your life, it starts to snowball and before you know it a big ole JOY BUBBLE from deep within bubbles up to the surface and then SUDDENLY it POPS! The feeling of absolute bliss is too much for you to contain and it spills out of you and can infect those around you.
That is why the enemy of our soul does everything he can do to keep our focus off of all the good in our lives.
Take the Israelites in the wilderness, they took 40 years to do what could have been accomplished in 11 days.  They wandered in the wilderness because they didn’t have joy for the journey.  They wandered because they had no confidence that they would reach their destination…a land flowing with milk and honey.  They had no confidence in their God, who had already split a sea wide open as a way of escape.  They had no confidence in His continued ability to provide for them. They took every opportunity to murmur and complain.  All they had to do was change their perspective and start THANKING GOD FOR ALL HE HAD DONE.
Another saying that has been making its way through social media…”is it really a bad day or is it just a bad five minutes that you have milked all day?”  I admit, at times I am guilty of this!  But THANK GOD for HIS GRACE and MERCY that I don’t have to continue in my bad day.  I can just change my perspective and it will change my direction!
Our homework assignment for the day class, is this…Find just ONE thing to make you smile and be thankful for it.  I can pretty much guarantee that you will find that it is hard to stop at just ONE!