It got me thinking about how I had allowed some things to creep in to steal my joy and get my focus of what really mattered. I had forgotten to have JOY FOR THE JOURNEY!
Our Heavenly Father gave us this life to ENJOY! Not just ENDURE. It’s really not that hard to stir up some joy in your heart. All it takes is a little bit of thankfulness.
If you start by just thanking God for the little things He has done in your life, it starts to snowball and before you know it a big ole JOY BUBBLE from deep within bubbles up to the surface and then SUDDENLY it POPS! The feeling of absolute bliss is too much for you to contain and it spills out of you and can infect those around you.
That is why the enemy of our soul does everything he can do to keep our focus off of all the good in our lives.
Take the Israelites in the wilderness, they took 40 years to do what could have been accomplished in 11 days. They wandered in the wilderness because they didn’t have joy for the journey. They wandered because they had no confidence that they would reach their destination…a land flowing with milk and honey. They had no confidence in their God, who had already split a sea wide open as a way of escape. They had no confidence in His continued ability to provide for them. They took every opportunity to murmur and complain. All they had to do was change their perspective and start THANKING GOD FOR ALL HE HAD DONE.
Another saying that has been making its way through social media…”is it really a bad day or is it just a bad five minutes that you have milked all day?” I admit, at times I am guilty of this! But THANK GOD for HIS GRACE and MERCY that I don’t have to continue in my bad day. I can just change my perspective and it will change my direction!
Our homework assignment for the day class, is this…Find just ONE thing to make you smile and be thankful for it. I can pretty much guarantee that you will find that it is hard to stop at just ONE!
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