Sunday, April 20, 2014

It is Finished

Do you ever wonder what the disciples felt on Friday night? I mean they had given up everything to follow the One whom they believed was the Messiah and now he was lying dead in a borrowed tomb, having died the death of a cursed man.
Imagine how Peter must have felt. He knew, that he knew, that this man was the Messiah. He felt so strongly about it, that he swore he would die with him. But in reality, Peter failed, not once, not twice, but three times to acknowledge that he was even an acquaintance of Jesus.
The other disciples were scattered and I imagine they were grief-stricken, defeated, hopeless, humiliated and lost. They had suffered a devastating disappointment. Only one of them actually stayed near enough to see Christ’s final moments on the cross. Only one heard him say, “It is finished.” Yet, I imagine that when they finally all gathered together, that sentence was repeated… It’s over. It’s done. It is finished. I imagine that they drew the obvious conclusions regarding those three words.
However, Christ was not saying that His reign was finished. He was not saying that he did not accomplish what he set out to do. He was not admitting defeat. He was declaring that the separation of the Father, from his beloved creation, was finished.
Christ died with those words on his lips because he knew that his death was just the beginning. He died knowing that he was about to enter hell and pay the price for ALL mankind. He died knowing that the Spirit of the Most High God would come in like a flood and would resurrect him Spirit, Soul and Body. He died knowing that death, hell, and the grave would be defeated!
It was such a glorious event that nothing before or since has ever come close…Why? It doesn’t have to, because…It is Finished!"

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